Action Comics is the longest-running superhero comic book series in
publication. The series started in 1938 when Joe Shuster and Jerry Siegel
created Superman for Action Comics#1 - now one of the most sought-after comics in history.
Announced at the New York Comic Con was the news that DC comics will be
marking the 1000th issue of ‘Action Comics’ In March 2018, by publishing
some special titles to mark the occasion.
There is to be a special issue of Action Comics #1000 itself in an
oversized edition. Written by Pete Tomasi and Dan Jurgens it will draw on
all kinds of talent from the comics industry, including a Superman story
written by Geoff Johns and Superman film director, Richard Donner.
In addition there is also to be a hardcover book that celebrates the 80th
anniversary of Action Comics by revisiting major moments in Action Comics
history, like the introduction of Superman, Supergirl, Brainiac and the
Fortress of Solitude. It will contain numerous classic Superman stories,
as well as literary essays from the likes of editorial cartoonist and
Pulitzer Prize winner Jules Feiffer and Paul Levitz among others. Plus an
unpublished ‘40s Superman story thought to have been written by Jerry
Siegel and Joe Shuster.
The book will also include a poster that incorporates all 1000 Action
Comics covers.
Sounds like a treat and although it is some while before these will be
available I love that logo and couldn’t wait to use it.