The Alternative Guide to the Universe

The Alternative Guide to the Universe

Wed, 2013-05-29 13:36

The Alternative Guide to the Universe.
Exhibition at
Hayward Gallery
Southbank Centre
Belvedere Road
London SE1 8XX

Tuesday June 11 - Monday August 26

Work by self-taught and individually minded artists, engineers and physicists. Wild science, art and eccentricity.

All images copyright of artists.

The Alternative Guide to the Universe.
Exhibition at
Hayward Gallery
Southbank Centre
Belvedere Road
London SE1 8XX

Tuesday June 11 - Monday August 26

Work by self-taught and individually minded artists, engineers and physicists. Wild science, art and eccentricity.

All images copyright of artists.


That link works for me Arthur - fascinating stuff!

All the Best,


Hullo Andy,

well non-linking link is not ideal but it is something.

It is good stuff isn't it? Feel a bit shifty in case I gives the idea that I go to all or any of these exhibitions but do like off-beat, left-field, non-mainstream art.
