No blog for a fortnight then two come along at once. The Biography has been completed, the missing pictures added. I am very pleased, hope it adds to your viewing pleasure too. Tobias Jones who designed the site added the final touch within the last few days. Not sure when as he did not let me know he had done it but left me to find it by accident. I expect I have praised Tobias elsewhere on this site but for the record it is possible the site would not exist without him and certainly not in it’s present form with it’s clarity, accessibility and flexibility. Praising one’s own website is no more vanity than asking people to admire your home when it has been designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. I just chose the carpets and pictures on the wall. The additions to the biography improve the décor and add to the narrative. So thank you Tobias, Super designer.
Biography complete
No blog for a fortnight then two come along at once. The Biography has been completed, the missing pictures added. I am very pleased, hope it adds to your viewing pleasure too. Tobias Jones who designed the site added the final touch within the last few days. Not sure when as he did not let me know he had done it but left me to find it by accident. I expect I have praised Tobias elsewhere on this site but for the record it is possible the site would not exist without him and certainly not in it’s present form with it’s clarity, accessibility and flexibility. Praising one’s own website is no more vanity than asking people to admire your home when it has been designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. I just chose the carpets and pictures on the wall. The additions to the biography improve the décor and add to the narrative. So thank you Tobias, Super designer.
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Give us some more blogging goodness! I bought the collected Button Man Vol I the other day, very happy.
'blogging goodness' - great phrase - made me smile. So that is at least two of us who are happy at the moment. Thanks for that.
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