Brandon on brand

Brandon on brand

Fri, 2012-07-20 11:38

Ivan Brandon is a New York based writer for comics and other media. He has written a blog on which cheered me no end. It is his take on  the relationship between Superhero movies and comics. It is a recognition and appreciation of what comics are and can be. I recommend reading it. For hard core comic lovers it might well induce a feeling of self -affirmation. The page also has some great illustrations. One reproduced here despite my uneasiness at how tame Sirius might look beside it.
For the curious -

One advantage of comics Brandon doesn’t mention is one of my grumpy old man  pet peeves. Movies with their quick-cut editing action scenes have one feeling wtf? Was that fast or was that fiddled?  How did he do that? What is going on?
A comic page not only shows what is going on it allows you to linger and to return to.

Ivan Brandon is a New York based writer for comics and other media. He has written a blog on which cheered me no end. It is his take on  the relationship between Superhero movies and comics. It is a recognition and appreciation of what comics are and can be. I recommend reading it. For hard core comic lovers it might well induce a feeling of self -affirmation. The page also has some great illustrations. One reproduced here despite my uneasiness at how tame Sirius might look beside it.
For the curious -

One advantage of comics Brandon doesn’t mention is one of my grumpy old man  pet peeves. Movies with their quick-cut editing action scenes have one feeling wtf? Was that fast or was that fiddled?  How did he do that? What is going on?
A comic page not only shows what is going on it allows you to linger and to return to.