A possibility I was aware of but now publicly announced in the show biz mag Variety, Netflix intend to make a Button Man movie.
Having only myself heard this confirmation an hour or so I am still a little shell-shocked.
Here is a link to the announcement -
I am going to make myself a cup of tea
Morning Arthur, I'm extremely excited that this is finally happening to my favourite comic of all time after many, many years of watching it being picked up and dropped, I recently spoke to John Wagner in Kendal about the history of Button Man's transition to screen and he seemed enthusiastic to see it happen, I really hope that they can keep the tone of the comic and hopefully set it back in the 80's too as I think the lack of technology and communication fits the isolative position of Harry's character and job perfectly. Also wanted to thank you for signing a copy of Mazeworld for my girlfriend to give me for our anniversary as I was gutted I couldn't make out down to London for your exhibition, it looked like an excellent evening,
Hi Arthur,
This is brilliant news, I really cannot wait!
Please keep us updated here,
All the Best,
Hullo Andy,
when I know more than can be found on the Internet I will happily share it.
The way things are presently organised I don't have access to any inside information. In the event of anything concrete happening , rest assured, I will tell everybody I can think of.
Did I really write 'rest assured'?