Comment commercials

Comment commercials

Wed, 2013-03-13 17:31

This is an appeal to the better natures of Joyce, Amory, Taren, Gabrielle, Dolores, Jesslyn, Laticia, Bubby and their co-conspiraters to see the error of their ways and give up their life of wrongdoing. Perhaps not in the same league as those pictured but what appears to be a Womens Crime Collective have ruthlessly ( no Ruth so far ) been targeting the website to add ads for drugs, insurance, loans and similar dodgy doodah in the Comments. It is anyway a pretty fruitless and unproductive use of their time. Visitors to this site are far too sensible to be separated from their cash by companies shabby enough to bring their products to public attention in such a cheapskate manner. In addition to which the life span of the offending offerings is brief. I constantly drop in to delete them - even those trying to disguise their nefarious intention by starting their spiel with OTT compliments to me or the website. The temptation to keep the smooze and just delete the commercial was short lived.

Just occurs to me, perhaps the women are in thrall to a master criminal and have no choice. A number of references to US cities leads me to deduce they originate in North America and it is all too easy to imagine illegal immigrants working in an IT sweatshops to avoid deportation of themselves and their children.

Or even that the names are not real, but made up by the gang master who oversees the school of computer savvy children he has kidnapped and keeps underfed and underground in his dark citadel. Oh horror.

Whatever, do stop. It is tacky and it is a bore.


March 14th. Ad from Keischa representing a New Jersey company this morning. It has only been a day so still a fragile hope of conscience striking. Not sure what is the most mortifying - that my appeal is being ignored or that they don't bother to read the blogs before dropping their leavings.


March 16th. Ads still appearing. No names but some funny faces,   :)  or  =( 

which I find encouraging for some reason.


March 19th. The march of crime continues. My doubts about the authenticity of the perpetrators has been strengthened by use of the names Lakesha, Laquisha, Caelyn, Nyanna, Sable, Makailah and Buffy.  Eight out of ten for creativity though.

This is an appeal to the better natures of Joyce, Amory, Taren, Gabrielle, Dolores, Jesslyn, Laticia, Bubby and their co-conspiraters to see the error of their ways and give up their life of wrongdoing. Perhaps not in the same league as those pictured but what appears to be a Womens Crime Collective have ruthlessly ( no Ruth so far ) been targeting the website to add ads for drugs, insurance, loans and similar dodgy doodah in the Comments. It is anyway a pretty fruitless and unproductive use of their time. Visitors to this site are far too sensible to be separated from their cash by companies shabby enough to bring their products to public attention in such a cheapskate manner. In addition to which the life span of the offending offerings is brief. I constantly drop in to delete them - even those trying to disguise their nefarious intention by starting their spiel with OTT compliments to me or the website. The temptation to keep the smooze and just delete the commercial was short lived.

Just occurs to me, perhaps the women are in thrall to a master criminal and have no choice. A number of references to US cities leads me to deduce they originate in North America and it is all too easy to imagine illegal immigrants working in an IT sweatshops to avoid deportation of themselves and their children.

Or even that the names are not real, but made up by the gang master who oversees the school of computer savvy children he has kidnapped and keeps underfed and underground in his dark citadel. Oh horror.

Whatever, do stop. It is tacky and it is a bore.


March 14th. Ad from Keischa representing a New Jersey company this morning. It has only been a day so still a fragile hope of conscience striking. Not sure what is the most mortifying - that my appeal is being ignored or that they don't bother to read the blogs before dropping their leavings.


March 16th. Ads still appearing. No names but some funny faces,   :)  or  =( 

which I find encouraging for some reason.


March 19th. The march of crime continues. My doubts about the authenticity of the perpetrators has been strengthened by use of the names Lakesha, Laquisha, Caelyn, Nyanna, Sable, Makailah and Buffy.  Eight out of ten for creativity though.