Downside to reality.

Downside to reality.

Sat, 2012-12-08 15:15

Real life.has me by the throat presently and the demands  of the mundane are resulting in neglect of more interesting
topics like the new Anderson collection, like the Alan Mooore movie -  , like The Dandy going digital, and like Sirius
page 19.

An additional consequence is apparently a  decline in blog quality.


Real life.has me by the throat presently and the demands  of the mundane are resulting in neglect of more interesting
topics like the new Anderson collection, like the Alan Mooore movie -  , like The Dandy going digital, and like Sirius
page 19.

An additional consequence is apparently a  decline in blog quality.




I was on Amazon stalking, researching you, and discovered you were involved in something called Outrageous Tales From The Old Testament. Further digging verified this, also revealing the involvement of other renowned creators including Alan Moore, Dave Gibbons, Brian Bolland and Neil Gaiman.

I'd like to know what the extent of your involvement was, namely, how many pages you drew, and perhaps a bit about what technique you used in it. The book is quite rare and thus quite costly, so I'm curious, as I am considering purchasing it eventually.

Also, a while back you told us Elvis and The Beatles by you was coming out in digital, but are there any plans to release it in printed form. I was surprised to hear that they had enough of the Elvis material to release it in full. The Beatles collected edition still has copies floating out there, though.


Hullo Bheki,
no plans to reprint of either Beatles or Elvis.
Outrageous Tales - I wrote and illustrated a verse. ( a verse?) ( yes a verse.) After Christmas I will look for my copy and if I find it, tell you more. Knockabout just asked creators to do as they like on the theme is the way I remember it.

Thank you for the response. I look forward to any further feedback.

With regards to Elvis and The Beatles ( and this is something I should have pointed out last time), those two giants NEVER go out of fashion! I mean NEVER! There is never a bad time to publish work relating to those two properties.

Is it a matter of the artwork not being in the right hands, or perhaps some rights issues, legal reasons that have prevented someone's attempts at getting the material into print? Surely there is a publishing house out there, that could be approached and would be open to the suggestion. Maybe even Rebellion, since there's already an established relationship there, and a possibility to branch out.

Thank you for your time!

Hullo Bheki,
no legal or practical reason why either 'Beatles' or 'Elvis' shouldn't appear in print. Would need someone with the enthusiasm and cash to do it though.