Elvis is Alive
The Complete Conspiracy
Xavient Haze
Publishers; Adventure Unlimited Press
On its back cover it says this -
"The book includes the complete comic strip "Elvis Presley:His Story in Pictures" written by Angus Allan and illustrated by Arthur Ranson. First published in Look-in magazine, this marks the first time the strip has been republished in its entirety since 1982 and the first time it has ever been available outside the United Kingdom"
This, apart from the mis -title, I know to be true and is the reason the book gets a mention here.
I can't offer a review of the book because I haven't read it. A few minutes flicking through suggest it might be fun for those that like that kind of thing. The back cover blurb suggests it reviews rather than postulates conspiracies.
Elvis is an anagram of lives
Elvis is an anagram of lives

Elvis is Alive
The Complete Conspiracy
Xavient Haze
Publishers; Adventure Unlimited Press
On its back cover it says this -
"The book includes the complete comic strip "Elvis Presley:His Story in Pictures" written by Angus Allan and illustrated by Arthur Ranson. First published in Look-in magazine, this marks the first time the strip has been republished in its entirety since 1982 and the first time it has ever been available outside the United Kingdom"
This, apart from the mis -title, I know to be true and is the reason the book gets a mention here.
I can't offer a review of the book because I haven't read it. A few minutes flicking through suggest it might be fun for those that like that kind of thing. The back cover blurb suggests it reviews rather than postulates conspiracies.
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Hi Arthur,
Since it's been so long, I hope this finds you well!
Well, it's about time! It really is! I had all but given up hope of ever seeing your Elvis work in print! But as you know I have wanted this for a long, long time!
Now, where can one get a copy?
Best Regards
Hullo Bheki,
I'm fine thanks. You too I trust.
The book is on the internet, available from the usual suspects.
I also found audio interviews with Xaviant Haze if you are interested.
All the best,
Glad to hear it, Arthur! And I hope to be hearing it for a long, long time yet!
Didn't waste any time, and sought it out from the 'usual suspects' (great movie, have you seen it?)! I've already placed the order! And those audio interviews sound intriguing! Do share them with us!
Elvis is special! Special to me for some unique reasons! Of course he's mythical and known globally, but for me, the most unique aspect is closer to home; I had a relationship with Elvis long before I ever discovered Arthur Ranson, or indeed that my future artistic hero Arthur Ranson had drawn a comic about him! No, I was introduced to Elvis by my mother! What makes this extra special is when you consider the fact that this plays into how my own taste in music was formed! You wouldn't really expect a Black South African woman like my mother, born in the 50s to be an Elvis fan, but it happened! There wasn't an abundance of Elvis music in the house but we were big fans! She also introduced me to ABBA, another group with links to Arthur Ranson! And when I look at my own musical inclinations, I trace the roots of my tastes to my moms!
At one point, our relationship was in a bad place, but a special memory somehow managed to manifest itself! This one time, I was blasting some tunes from a mixed CD I had compiled and Vanessa Carlton's 'A Thousand Miles' followed Van Halen's 'Jump' on the stereo! My moms asked if I could repeat 'that song' I played! I assumed she meant the Vanessa Carlton song and promptly started it up again, but no, she'd actually wanted the Van Halen song! I'll never forget that!
Anyway, thanks for everything, Arthur. May you bless us with a drawing or two one of the days and keep well! My Superman picture (a copy, the original is in a safe place) still stares at me proudly whenever I'm at the drawing board; brilliant and moody, much like my current favourite Superman in film, as portrayed by British actor Henry Cavill!
Best regards
Hullo Bheki,
nice story - music bring you and your mother together. Mother sounds like a bit of a rocker.
Don't have a link at hand but found the audio interview by searching for 'Zavient Hazw -Elvis is Alive'. In fact the interviewer does most of the talking.
Take care.
All the best,
Thanks, Arthur.
And no, my mother is the furthest thing from a rocker; I guess she's just wired to appreciate different types of sounds; something that obviously got passed on to me! The result is that I'm capable of enjoying anything from heavy metal to rap to classical to country, if the composition is right! From ABBA to ZZ Top!
Hullo Bheki,
a love and appreciation of music is a nice thing to inherit. Thank you moms.
All the best,