

Sun, 2014-03-23 13:04

Having for some reason taken to heart the imperative to post something about something at weekly intervals I am struggling presently to find time to do that. Also aware that news of comic book world events and excitements have been thin on the ground. Looking at John Freemans website prompted a deep sense of shame. How does he know all that stuff?
My excuse is Spring. Spring brings Spring cleaning and gardening demands. There is also a present obsessive impulse to do more Sirius pages.
So this is what I have sunk to - reproducing a jolly picture I was sent.
Batman copyright DC comics.
Picture credit either the guy with a cat on his head or his mate with a camera.

Having for some reason taken to heart the imperative to post something about something at weekly intervals I am struggling presently to find time to do that. Also aware that news of comic book world events and excitements have been thin on the ground. Looking at John Freemans website prompted a deep sense of shame. How does he know all that stuff?
My excuse is Spring. Spring brings Spring cleaning and gardening demands. There is also a present obsessive impulse to do more Sirius pages.
So this is what I have sunk to - reproducing a jolly picture I was sent.
Batman copyright DC comics.
Picture credit either the guy with a cat on his head or his mate with a camera.