Haiti, Art and Vodou

Haiti, Art and Vodou

Sat, 2012-10-13 12:44

Nottingham Contemporary
20 Oct 2012 - 06 Jan 2013
An exhibition of almost 200 works of Haitian art by 35 artists. Dating from the 1940s to the present the paintings and objects are dedicated to the gods of Vodou. Vodou is the island of Haiti’s unique  spiritual belief system. With its roots in West African religions  Vodou has aspects of Catholicism, Islam, European folklore and freemasonry, as well as the religion of the island’s Taino people.*
“The imaginative power and visual intricacy of these artworks reflect the richness of Haitian history and culture. They are in sharp contrast to the country’s familiar reputation for extreme poverty, natural disaster and political violence.”

Nottingham Contemporary
Weekday Cross, Nottingham Nottinghamshire NG1 2GB

Entry free.
Telephone 0115 948 9750



* You can tell from the spelling that this is nothing to do with Bela Lugosi  or Priscilla Kitaen.

Nottingham Contemporary
20 Oct 2012 - 06 Jan 2013
An exhibition of almost 200 works of Haitian art by 35 artists. Dating from the 1940s to the present the paintings and objects are dedicated to the gods of Vodou. Vodou is the island of Haiti’s unique  spiritual belief system. With its roots in West African religions  Vodou has aspects of Catholicism, Islam, European folklore and freemasonry, as well as the religion of the island’s Taino people.*
“The imaginative power and visual intricacy of these artworks reflect the richness of Haitian history and culture. They are in sharp contrast to the country’s familiar reputation for extreme poverty, natural disaster and political violence.”

Nottingham Contemporary
Weekday Cross, Nottingham Nottinghamshire NG1 2GB

Entry free.
Telephone 0115 948 9750



* You can tell from the spelling that this is nothing to do with Bela Lugosi  or Priscilla Kitaen.