Links Policy and Policing

Links Policy and Policing

Sat, 2013-08-03 11:59

Just to be clear - comments left with links attached will almost certainly be deleted.
There was one from Olga with a link to her Facebook page which I was prepared to leave ( imagining nice comic fan seeking like-minded ) but she spoiled it by having another link to who knows where. Been over this before but there are teams of people sending comments, some quite sensible, but with commercial links attached. On my Edit comments page (so far Edit in this case has meant keep or delete, nothing subtle. ) both comment and sender are visible so fulsome compliments serve no purpose when accompanied by an address that no honest person would use.
They go. Links whose provenance is uncertain go. They can't be checked for fear of viruses or whatever. Links to comic related sites or up-coming conventions are welcome and will appear if there is convincing evidence that they are kosher.
The ad-linked comment- creating crowd have my sympathy (what a crap job) but not much. Some 'products' are unpleasant enough to provoke negative response from all but the most degenerate clients of a four ale bar. I feel soiled even deleting them.
There is no expectation that this appeal will stop the flow of cheapskate chancers checking in. - I suspect their working conditions would tend to erode delicate sensibility. This just to forewarn genuine visitors - comments with links attached are treated with suspicion and will probably be deleted.

Just to be clear - comments left with links attached will almost certainly be deleted.
There was one from Olga with a link to her Facebook page which I was prepared to leave ( imagining nice comic fan seeking like-minded ) but she spoiled it by having another link to who knows where. Been over this before but there are teams of people sending comments, some quite sensible, but with commercial links attached. On my Edit comments page (so far Edit in this case has meant keep or delete, nothing subtle. ) both comment and sender are visible so fulsome compliments serve no purpose when accompanied by an address that no honest person would use.
They go. Links whose provenance is uncertain go. They can't be checked for fear of viruses or whatever. Links to comic related sites or up-coming conventions are welcome and will appear if there is convincing evidence that they are kosher.
The ad-linked comment- creating crowd have my sympathy (what a crap job) but not much. Some 'products' are unpleasant enough to provoke negative response from all but the most degenerate clients of a four ale bar. I feel soiled even deleting them.
There is no expectation that this appeal will stop the flow of cheapskate chancers checking in. - I suspect their working conditions would tend to erode delicate sensibility. This just to forewarn genuine visitors - comments with links attached are treated with suspicion and will probably be deleted.