Hullo Andy,
had done two alternative versions of this page, each with a new threat, but will admit to being pleased with the simpler breath thing idea.
Next time arrival a the Ice city finally.
Submitted by Bheki (not verified) on Mon, 2013-01-28 13:21.
Hooray for the new Sirius!
Hi Arthur,
I got busy the other day and did a bit of research in hopes that we may find a publisher for Elvis and The Beatles. I knew it had to be a well-known, large publisher, and I settled on Penguin.
from what I've come to understand, the main thing that's needed is a a literary agent to approach the publisher. It's that simple. Or at least it sounds simple. Here's the text from the site:
"10. How can I get my book published?
People frequently ask us how to go about getting published. Our company policy is to not accept unsolicited manuscripts or synopses and we cannot enter into correspondence about unpublished work.
We can offer the following advice on how to go about getting into print. A great place to start is your local library where you'll find a wealth of information on writers groups and plenty of books on writing and the publishing process.
When you feel your work is ready for publishing you need to get a Literary Agent. Agents can objectively advise you on your work and will know the most suitable publisher to take it to, not to mention fighting for the best deal on your behalf. A comprehensive listing of UK literary agents can be found in the Writers' and Artists' Yearbook, published annually by A & C Black.
Different markets demand a different approach, so we also offer specialist advice for aspiring Adult fiction and Children's fiction authors.
There are a number of websites who offer great advice and writer's resources.
The Writers' Advice Centre for Children's Books
Founded in 1994 The Writers' Advice Centre for Children's Book is the only manuscript agency in the United Kingdom specialising solely in children's publishing.
We wish you the best of luck and hope you are successful in placing your work."
I hope you can make some sense of this and hopefully, if possible, be able to take some steps towards making something happen. Apparently, this is an anniversary year for The Beatles, so the iron must be struck while it's still hot. But personally, I'd love to see the glorious Elvis out even more.
Hullo Bheki,
thanks for the research done on my behalf. When I have the time and energy I will follow that up. Meantime other folk may find your links useful.
Been waiting to hear from you. I found my 'Outrageous Tales from the Old Testament' as promised.
My contribution was a (over) long piece of verse about creation, decorated with some very ordinary drawings of animals and birds. It takes up the first three pages. I think I wrote the thing shortly after being given an Ogden Nash collection. He was really good at it.
'Outrageous Tales' was published by Knockabout Comics in 1987.
Submitted by Bheki (not verified) on Tue, 2013-01-29 15:42.
Thank you for the feedback on that Arthur. (And for revealing that an Art God/Living Legend such as you allowed me to cross your mind). I hope that copy is still available on Amazon. Otherwise, I may be in for some hunting! And I'm nothing if not a hunter! And you can now say you did collaborate, albeit seni-indirectly, with Alan Moore, since he was the main man (a Lobo reference there, yok) behind Knockabout Comics.
Hullo Bheki,
You are welcome. A promise is a promise.
I was not aware of Alan Moore's association with Knockabout apart from his writing contributions. I understood that it was Tony Bennet and his wife who ran Knockabout. Nice people.
My Alan Moore story is that I once asked him to collaborate on a strip idea I had then turning down the script he sent me. We were both young then. And speaking for my self, stupid.
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 2013-01-31 16:04.
Hi Arthur,
Unfortunate about that collaboration not happening. But maybe it's a good thing for the fate of the world. Two creative talents of that magnitude working together could have split the Earth in two!
So Captain Britain wasn't the strip in question. I acquired a copy late last year (one of these fortnightly publications by Panini, in hardcover), that had the work of young and raw Alans Moore and Davis, and opened with an action scene.
Alan Moore has been much more outspoken in his career compared to you, but one common trait it seems you share is a commitment to creator rights, as evidenced by your desire of ownership on strips that you originated, dating as far back as your Elvis and Beatles days, as you outlined in this article:
I'm so pleased that you still have the material in a form that might see it printed again. I don't suppose the strips you didn't own are similarly positioned?
And thank you for the clarification on the Knockabout Comics setup. Looking forward to getting that book you did for them (fingers crossed). Artistically, despite your self-confessed split personality (tight/loose inking style-wise), you've never disappointed me.
Clever dramatic use of the icy breath clouds Arthur, seems our climate caught up with the Sirius strip after all!
All the Best,
Hullo Andy,
had done two alternative versions of this page, each with a new threat, but will admit to being pleased with the simpler breath thing idea.
Next time arrival a the Ice city finally.
Hooray for the new Sirius!
Hi Arthur,
I got busy the other day and did a bit of research in hopes that we may find a publisher for Elvis and The Beatles. I knew it had to be a well-known, large publisher, and I settled on Penguin.
from what I've come to understand, the main thing that's needed is a a literary agent to approach the publisher. It's that simple. Or at least it sounds simple. Here's the text from the site:
"10. How can I get my book published?
People frequently ask us how to go about getting published. Our company policy is to not accept unsolicited manuscripts or synopses and we cannot enter into correspondence about unpublished work.
We can offer the following advice on how to go about getting into print. A great place to start is your local library where you'll find a wealth of information on writers groups and plenty of books on writing and the publishing process.
When you feel your work is ready for publishing you need to get a Literary Agent. Agents can objectively advise you on your work and will know the most suitable publisher to take it to, not to mention fighting for the best deal on your behalf. A comprehensive listing of UK literary agents can be found in the Writers' and Artists' Yearbook, published annually by A & C Black.
Different markets demand a different approach, so we also offer specialist advice for aspiring Adult fiction and Children's fiction authors.
There are a number of websites who offer great advice and writer's resources.
Writers resource and rights marketplace
Provides listings, factsheets on publishing and getting published, plus book news
Handbook of Rhetorical Devices
Guidelines for and examples of rhetorical devices
The magazine for women who write. Advice and inspiration; news, reviews, interviews; competitions and grants
Online thesaurus
The Writers' Advice Centre for Children's Books
Founded in 1994 The Writers' Advice Centre for Children's Book is the only manuscript agency in the United Kingdom specialising solely in children's publishing.
The Writers' Advice Centre for Children's Books
16 Smiths Yard
London SW18 4HR
Tel: 0797 9905353
Reference search engine
We wish you the best of luck and hope you are successful in placing your work."
I hope you can make some sense of this and hopefully, if possible, be able to take some steps towards making something happen. Apparently, this is an anniversary year for The Beatles, so the iron must be struck while it's still hot. But personally, I'd love to see the glorious Elvis out even more.
Thanks & Regards
Hullo Bheki,
thanks for the research done on my behalf. When I have the time and energy I will follow that up. Meantime other folk may find your links useful.
Been waiting to hear from you. I found my 'Outrageous Tales from the Old Testament' as promised.
My contribution was a (over) long piece of verse about creation, decorated with some very ordinary drawings of animals and birds. It takes up the first three pages. I think I wrote the thing shortly after being given an Ogden Nash collection. He was really good at it.
'Outrageous Tales' was published by Knockabout Comics in 1987.
Thank you for the feedback on that Arthur. (And for revealing that an Art God/Living Legend such as you allowed me to cross your mind). I hope that copy is still available on Amazon. Otherwise, I may be in for some hunting! And I'm nothing if not a hunter! And you can now say you did collaborate, albeit seni-indirectly, with Alan Moore, since he was the main man (a Lobo reference there, yok) behind Knockabout Comics.
Keep well
Hullo Bheki,
You are welcome. A promise is a promise.
I was not aware of Alan Moore's association with Knockabout apart from his writing contributions. I understood that it was Tony Bennet and his wife who ran Knockabout. Nice people.
My Alan Moore story is that I once asked him to collaborate on a strip idea I had then turning down the script he sent me. We were both young then. And speaking for my self, stupid.
Hi Arthur,
Unfortunate about that collaboration not happening. But maybe it's a good thing for the fate of the world. Two creative talents of that magnitude working together could have split the Earth in two!
So Captain Britain wasn't the strip in question. I acquired a copy late last year (one of these fortnightly publications by Panini, in hardcover), that had the work of young and raw Alans Moore and Davis, and opened with an action scene.
Alan Moore has been much more outspoken in his career compared to you, but one common trait it seems you share is a commitment to creator rights, as evidenced by your desire of ownership on strips that you originated, dating as far back as your Elvis and Beatles days, as you outlined in this article:
I'm so pleased that you still have the material in a form that might see it printed again. I don't suppose the strips you didn't own are similarly positioned?
And thank you for the clarification on the Knockabout Comics setup. Looking forward to getting that book you did for them (fingers crossed). Artistically, despite your self-confessed split personality (tight/loose inking style-wise), you've never disappointed me.
Thanks & Regards
Hullo Bheki,
no plans for paper publication but Beatles available on phone ( see Beatles blog) and Elvis coming later.
This is very dark and amazing post :)
Hullo humorous quotes,
thank you.
All the best,