A Word from Your Editor

A Word from Your Editor

Mon, 2016-02-22 14:11

Blogs are to be resumed - but intermittently rather than weekly. When I feel like it.
Who cares, right?
Well it just seemed polite to let you know.

There is also a backlog of "Sirius' episodes that will show up.

Blogs are to be resumed - but intermittently rather than weekly. When I feel like it.
Who cares, right?
Well it just seemed polite to let you know.

There is also a backlog of "Sirius' episodes that will show up.


We do indeed care Arthur, very nice image there!

Best Wishes,


Hullo Andy,

good of you to say so.

Not the most convincing bit of photoshop I've ever seen but it amused me.

All the best,

Hi Arthur,

I'd say it conveys the desired effect, humour very much in evidence!

Best Wishes,
